Audio – Praesent rhoncus eget

18 Jun 2015

Audio – Praesent rhoncus eget

Suspendisse fringilla, dolor non faucibus venenatis, neque erat pellentesque dui, et gravida dolor enim id ex. Nam eget ipsum neque. Duis pretium, nibh vel pulvinar eleifend, mi ex dignissim augue, non efficitur massa mi vitae nisi. Phasellus vulputate tellus eget interdum sollicitudin. Aliquam interdum augue in tristique varius. Morbi ut laoreet lorem, a cursus tellus. Vestibulum sollicitudin laoreet nibh. Mauris nec odio non nulla facilisis aliquam id ut mauris. Nulla imperdiet eros sit amet molestie ornare. Etiam quis ipsum ex.

Praesent ut velit diam. Phasellus vestibulum, leo commodo pellentesque finibus, mi justo pretium erat, eu rhoncus libero urna ut purus. Pellentesque porttitor elit vel ornare commodo. Etiam semper felis at nisi accumsan, vitae fermentum felis tincidunt. Quisque sodales nibh in felis accumsan, sit amet iaculis nibh vestibulum.

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We are accepting the Government of Canada Canadian Dental Insurance Plan (CDCP). The CDCP is a new Canadian Dental Care Plan where individuals that do not have access to an employer provided or private dental insurance plan can apply for. As an important part of dental care and overall health, the Government of Canada recognizes the expenses that can be associated with dental treatment and is committed to helping Canadians receive the dental treatments that are required while also making it more affordable.

The CDCP is offered to help low income families who do not have dental insurance by covering some costs associated with dental services for families with net income that is under $90,000.